德国德图 testo 319内窥镜

德国德图 testo 319内窥镜

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德国德图 testo 319内窥镜采用玻璃纤维材质,用于清晰地观察难以达到的部位,如空调通风管路及系统、机器设备、发动机等。借助于内窥镜,可对设备磨损、焊接点、部件松动等状况作快速诊断,从而帮助及早排除故障,节约成本,柔性内窥镜能够伸入到狭缝和钻孔内,且可随意弯曲。使用聚焦环来调节焦距,就可清晰地检测故障部件,不必再拆卸设备。

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德国德图 testo 319内窥镜


testo 319内窥镜采用玻璃纤维材质,用于清晰地观察难以达到的部位,如空调通风管路及系统、机器设备、发动机等。借助于内窥镜,可对设备磨损、焊接点、部件松动等状况作快速诊断,从而帮助及早排除故障,节约成本。 
testo 319柔性内窥镜能够伸入到狭缝和钻孔内,且可随意弯曲。使用聚焦环来调节焦距,就可清晰地检测故障部件,不必再拆卸设备。 
testo 319外观轻巧,坚固耐用。其性能非常出众,镜头分辨率高达6,000象素,窥视角度50°,并配备了大视角的LED照明灯。

testo 319内窥镜产品优势:

  • 镜头分辨率高达6,000像素,窥视角度50°。
  • 脱碳套管,可靠性更高
  • 柔性鹅颈管,柔韧性适中
  • 磁性夹可吸附金属小部件

Optical inspection

Optical inspection describes systems which use image processing to find damage or cracks in technical cavities and those which are generally difficult to access (pipes, walls, etc.) and give a visual presentation of them.

Optical inspection involves physically inserting a lens into a cavity and transmitting both image and light to an eyepiece via glass-fibre bundles. Users hold the instrument in their hand and visually monitor the information which is displayed. This means they can detect cracks or surface damage at an early stage and draw conclusions about the condition of a cavity. For example, they can therefore decide whether a gas pipeline can be sealed from the inside or if parts of the line need to be renewed. A further possibility offered by the application is locating parts which have been lost in cavities. These can be identified via the visual inspection. The additional elements which are fitted onto the probe tip, such as a mirror (to see round angles), a magnetic hook (for picking up metal/magnetic parts) or a small three-armed grab (for picking up small, non-metallic parts) enable a wide range of uses.


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